Thursday, January 1, 2015

We've seen the light(s)

We caught sight of the northern lights on the flight in and on the second and third nights on the ferry. On the 4th night we were excited to have a clear night and be in the Arctic but, alas, the auroral activity was missing so no light show. The 5th night had moderate auroral activity predictions but because we were under a low cloud layer in a snowstorm, no go. By the last night I was scheming up ways to miss the flight home so we could see the lights again (it becomes an obsession). Late the last night on deck the clouds parted just long enough for the lights to wave goodbye. And so, just like the northern lights, we were there, and now we are gone.


  1. Whew! I was losing sleep at night, worrying about the Northern weather elements!

  2. So happy your trip was a success, in so many ways. Best of all, I'm sure, was having this uninterrupted time together. Happy New Year!

  3. Oh, so lovely. I'm so glad you got to see the lights. Your pix and Arlo's show more of a twilight than utter darkness. How pretty!
