Sunday, December 28, 2014

Don't miss the boat

We arrived in Trondheim at 6 AM and had until noon to explore. But since it didn't get light until 10 AM we took our time leaving for the walk to town. We made the traditional pilgrimage to the cathedral, the largest in Norway, then had a stroll along the river to see the colorful warehouses. I fell in love with the picturesque town and must have slowed my steps to enjoy it. We thought we had allowed enough time to get to the ship by noon but when we heard the five-minute warning blast we realized we were cutting it close and had to start running. May I say that running through ice and snow takes longer. This must be why they invented skates and skis. As we rounded the corner to the dock the crew was pulling up the gangplank and then caught sight of us. We got a scolding from the personnel director who explained that it would have been an expensive ticket had we needed to charter a plane to the next port. The Captain waits for no one.


  1. Your new year started with a race!

  2. Have you noticed that people who live in a somewhat colorless landscape tend to favor textiles and paint colors in vibrant colors? Not a coincidence, I think.
