Monday, July 10, 2023

Pennies from heaven

A bicycle museum in Ybbs seemed like a spoketacular stop so we wheeled in to see the vast collection including an early bike for women with a padded breast rest between the seat and handlebras. Susan B. Anthony said "I think the bicycle has done more to emancipate women than any other thing." It gave us freedom and independence when women were so reliant on men for transportation. It also led to more women wearing bloomers. The en-cyclo-pedic spokesman in the museum let us test ride a penny farthing and we had to climb so high to get on it that I wondered if the phrase pennies from heaven came from this invention.


  1. I don't understand how the breast rest works. You'll have to enlighten me when you get back home.

  2. Are you paid by the pun? Asking for a friend.
