Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Viennese cafe culture

While in Vienna, with or without clean undies, the cafes surprise and delight us. UNESCO designates the Viennese coffee house as an "intangible cultural heritage" of Austria, though coffee and pastries seem pretty tangible to me. The cafe is described as a place, "where time and space are consumed, but only the coffee is found on the bill." You are never rushed out and one menu even said "take your time" on the cover. Vienna cafes fully encourage admiration of all the cakes before choosing by placing their gleaming pastry showcases front and center. The choices and multi-layered offerings bring me to tiers.


  1. This must have been both heaven and hell for you. How did you manage to make a decision?

  2. They don’t check underwear?

  3. Closest thing to Heaven

  4. Your delight in pastries never fails to amuse me.
