Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cream cake

You've gotta love a country that is famous for its cream cake and brags about it. We stopped in to a dessert cafe (a common occurrence) to try a piece. But when we tried to put our forks through the crispy top pastry, the cream splooged out the sides in a most inelegant way. A group of 12-year-olds on a field trip arrived and they showed us how it's done: pull off the top pastry and eat it like a cookie and then eat the cream cake with your fork. We thanked them for the help and told them we would make them famous in America on my blog.

For the record, we actually prefer prekmurska gibanica, a traditional cake layered with poppy seeds, apples, walnuts, cheese, and raisins.


  1. Cute kids, and I agree with you on the dessert preference. Give me nuts, fruit, and poppy seeds (the jury's out on the cheese) over whipped cream or custard any day.
