Saturday, June 20, 2015

Farm stay

After a 12-mile hike down the mountainside to Lake Bohinj, we found ourselves looking for a room late in the day. We ended up at a farm with four generations of farmers, 26 hens, 3 cats, and a 5-week-old kitten living under one roof of a large barn-house. We were immediately warmly welcomed and offered schnapps in the garden, cherry strudel, and playtime with the kitten. We could not have been happier campers.


  1. Oh my gosh -- you've almost sold me on camping!

  2. Are you bringing home the kitten?

  3. Lead off with the kitten, and it's usually downhill from there. But in this case, it just gets better! Did you also stay in the one room with everyone else? Where did the chickens sleep?
