Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fog and hogs

Seems a shame to head down the mountain after that climb and not be able to enjoy the view but the weather is getting worse instead of better so down we will go. I bought a postcard of the hut's scenic location so I can see what it looks like. The hut had a heated boot rack and it was quite luxurious to put on warm dry boots in the morning. Though they didn't stay dry for long. We had 3000 feet to descend on the wet and slippery trail but amusements along the way kept us distracted. Near a ski lift station we found a water cannon game and a restaurant where, realizing our Kaiserschmarrn days were numbered, tried out their version which was nothing to write about in what is becoming a food blog.

Then things got worse. At the bottom of the mountain we found a bus stop but had missed the bus by 15 min so we walked into the town of Fieberbrunn and found that the next bus wasn't for 2 hours. We drowned our sorrows in a very traditional way...Once on the bus we found we had to transfer in the next town, St Johann. We missed that bus by 2 minutes and had another 2-hour wait.  We spent our time enjoying the very charming small town and hazelnut gelato. On the next bus we had to go to Kitzbuhel for yet another transfer. You guessed it, a 2-hour wait. There we happened upon the European Harley Owners Group (HOG) rally and I will not soon forget the sight of a Harley rider in lederhosen. At 7:30 pm, 6 six hours after coming off the trail, we were back to the car. It was almost faster going up and over all those mountains than around them on public transport on a Saturday! But we saw three very charming Austrian towns.

Sent from Ann's iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Now THAT sounds like The Amazing Race. Except you would have had to find the HOG in lederhosen to get your next clue. I'm so glad your trip has been a memorable one in all the best ways. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Hope you got some recipes as souvenirs.
