Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sign language

When we left our barnhouse this morning Arlo asked our Austrian host where we could do our laundry in town. He gave rapid-fire directions to several places and Arlo commented on how all the laundromats are located next to gas stations. We soon found ourselves pulling up to a car wash with our load of laundry! 

Arlo speaks fluent German with an excellent accent so the locals speak quickly back to him often in regional dialects. Parking rules are another language entirely. We thought we were safe parking at a spot with a sign that said 60 min free on Sat morning but after 15 min we came back to find a parking ticket. Apparently you are supposed to buy and carry a clock card. You set it with your arrival time and put it in your window so the parking police know how much time you've been there. Our laundry turned out to be expensive with the addition of the 20 Euro parking ticket but as my mom says, education is expensive no matter how you get it!

We did find a place that did our laundry for us. Bonus!

Sent from Ann's iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I bet those law-abiding Alpenvolk don't even cheat by setting their clock cards ahead a bit...
